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To Keep or Not To Keep

We’re five minutes in to our conversation

And we ask ourselves

Is he/she worthy to keep or not to keep

Could this be something real or just a meet and greet turned to a one night creep

But then the sudden attraction distracts us from our main focus

No longer questioning is this person capable of fulfilling our true desire our hearts require

He thinks to himself it’s not that serious whether she can or can not

Because that face and that body leaves him curious of what it’ll feel like inside her

While she wonders could he be the one I dreamed of

Loving caring and over protective

She’s aware of his lust but in denial that it could be more because it should be

Knowing her true qualities that she'll reveal so easily

She’ll quickly deem him as worthy to keep

Because of the words he speak

Not once paying close attention to is actions

But he’ll only think days ahead to when he finally gets her in his bed

And simply deem her as Not to keep

Because deep down he isn’t ready

Both of the two pacifying themselves with the thought of becoming one is too early

Preferring to take it one conversation at a time

Neither of the two not realizing its never too early to question the expectations and intentions

They refuse to mention

To keep or Not to keep?

The question overlooked and never mind

That ultimately results in wasting each other’s time

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