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My Peace Belongs To Me

My peace belongs to me

Its my given right its my property

But for some reason you think you have the right to disturb my peace

Causing pain that will never deserve my forgiveness

Smiling in my face with selfish intentions

My peace belongs to me

Yet you continuously try to rob me of my happiness

As if you were raised by savages

Walking this earth with no morals

Careless of your actions towards individuals that truly cared for you

Me myself always praying for the best for you

All the while like a hungry beast you prey on my peace

But it belongs to me

My peace is mine to keep

So even with a broken heart and a headache caused by the crying you force out of me

I’ll still own my peace

That you tried so hard to steal from me

I can’t say I’ll hate you forever because that’ll only make me bitter

And to be a bitter woman I’ll only end up blocking my blessings

But try to come for me peace again

And I’ll teach you a long lasting lesson!

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